Smart SE

Smart SE,  Powerful and Cost Effective Spectroscopic Ellipsometer

The Smart SE from HORIBA Scientific is a versatile spectroscopic ellipsometer for fast and accurate thin film measurements. It characterizes thin film thickness from a few Angstroms to 20µm, optical constants (n,k), and thin film structure properties (such as roughness, optical graded and anisotropic layers, etc).

The spectral range from 450 to 1000nm is measured in a few seconds and ellipsometric data are analyzed using the DeltaPsi2 software platform. The software integrates two levels of software to fulfil both routine analysis with predefined recipes and advanced analysis with state-of-the art ellipsometric modelling.

The Smart SE ellipsometer is a cost effective thin film R&D tool with no compromise on features, and delivers research grade performance at an economical price. It provides an integrated vision system for accurate spot positioning, seven automated micro spots with size ranging down to a few tens of microns for measurement of small features, and the ability to measure the complete 16-element Mueller matrix in just a few seconds for the study of complex samples.

The flexible design of the Smart SE enables full automation of the sample stage and goniometer as well as in-situ use on process chambers. It matches any application or budget for a wide variety of application areas including microelectronic, photovoltaic, display, optical coatings, surface treatments and organic compounds.

Manufacturing CompanyHORIBA France SAS
  • Fast & accurate
  • Easily upgradeable
  • Visualization of your spot sample
Standard Configurations
Spectra range: 450nm to 1000nm
Spectra resolution Better than 3nm
Light source Combined Halogen and Blue LED
Measurement time <1sec to 10 sec
Beam size 75µm * 150µm, 100µm * 250µm,

100µm * 500µm, 150µm * 150µm,

250µm * 250µm, 250µm * 500µm,


Angle of incidence 450 to 900 by step of 50
Sample size Up to 200mm
Sample alignment Manual 17mm height adjustement and tilt
Dimensions 100cm * 46cm * 23cm(W*H*D)
Straight-through air accuracy Ψ=450±0.050 Δ=00±0.20
Thickness accuracy on 1000 Å Oxide 0.04%
Thickness repeatability on 1000 Å Oxide ±0.02%




  • Automated angle of incidence from 450 to 900 by step of 0.010
  • In-situ adjustable flanges for mounting on process chamber
  • Heating and cooling stages
  • Liquid and electrochemical cells
  • Cross hair auto-collimation system

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